
Predictive Analytics

Increase results across every marketing campaign by harnessing historical customer data to predict future behavior. Predictive Analytics uses artificial
intelligence, machine learning and statistical modeling to assess the likelihood of what will happen in the future. Access to this critical information will allow you to make data driven decisions and speak to more customers based on their needs and specific customer journey.

Make Predictive Data-Driven Decisions

Remove guesswork and opinion from marketing decisions. Increase customer lifetime value and overall revenue based on predictive data driven insights and automated segmentation. As customer behavior evolves, predictive models automatically retrain.

Reach More Customers with Relevant Offers When it Matters

Identify and activate new customers who may have been ignored with traditional activity filters. Incentivize or suppress individual offers using discount and coupon affinity. Seamlessly activate predictive segmentation across campaigns.

Predictive Models

Access to these models throughout the Listrak platform will empower you to take action, improve results and drive more revenue.

Predicted Future Spend

Know which customers will spend the most over the coming 12 months

Likelihood to Purchase

Predictive probability of shopper placing an order

Likelihood to Click

Predictive probability of contact clicking email link

Discount Affinity

Score determining a customer as full-price or discount shopper

Predicted Lifecycle Stage

Identify customers at-risk or churned based on individual behaviors

Likelihood to Open

Predictive probability of shopper opening an email

Likelihood to Unsubscribe

Predictive probability to unsubscribe from email list

Coupon Affinity

Identifies customers who exclusively, frequently or never use coupons when placing orders

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Ready to grow your business?
Let’s talk.